General Terms and Conditions

Pricing: All prices are current at the time of quotation however are subject to change based on market fluctuations. All prices shown are inclusive of GST. Product Availability: Teramo Catering reserves the right to make small substitutions to seasonal menu items. Tastings: Tastings will incur a fee of $90.00 on top of the cost of dishes chosen for tasting. Booking Confirmations: A booking is considered tentative once a quote has been prepared and forwarded to the client. Tentative bookings are held for a period of fourteen days. Teramo Catering reserves the right to cancel and reallocate booking times to other inquiries if the quote is not confirmed within 14 days. Confirmation:A booking is considered confirmed upon receipt of the deposit. Deposit: The minimum deposit requirement is a % of the estimated catering value. Deposit is refundable with a minimum of 28 days’ written notice prior to the function date.
  • Orders under $1,000.00 are payable in full at the time of confirmation.
  • Weddings: 50% All Other: 10%
  • All other types functions are 10% at time of confirmation.
Final Details: Final details must be arranged as follows:
  • Weddings: 3 weeks prior
  • All Other: 2 weeks prior
Expected Attendance: Booking confirmations for functions are accepted based on the provision of attendees being an accurate representation by the client. A decrease in catering numbers cannot be accepted. Every effort will be made to accommodate the increase in numbers with the client being charged for the amended final increase. Children: Under 6 years old – free, 7 to 12 years old – 50% of the menu price. Staffing: Staff are contracted for a set number of hours. Staff required to stay longer than contracted for will be billed at the hourly rate.
DELIVERY CHARGES: For food only deliveries over $300.00 in value, the delivery charge is $3.00 per kilometre. From Welshpool Kitchen SUNDAYS. A minimum order value and Surcharge will apply.
Minimum Value Surcharge
$600.00 10 %
PARKING: The client is to provide onsite parking for all Teramo Catering vehicles, at no cost to Teramo Catering.
PAYMENT: Payment is required prior to all functions and can be made via EFT, Cash, Money order or Credit card (1.5% surcharge applies). Payments must be finalised TWO WEEKS prior to all functions.
WASTE DISPOSAL: All rubbish will be left on site neatly bagged. The client is to advise of any specific instructions as to where to leave it.
RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL: In accordance with our liquor licence, Teramo Catering staff will Refuse alcohol to people under the age of 18 years and/or people who appear intoxicated. Identification may be asked for and if refused, staff may refuse service.
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